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Study Abroad Policies ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Students must have a GPA of 2.75 or higher when they apply to study abroad. First-year and transfer students must have established a GPA at St. Edward's before studying abroad. Additionally, students must meet the academic requirements for the specific program or exchange for which they intend to apply. Students on academic probation are not eligible to apply for study abroad. Once a student has met the requirements for satisfactory academic standing, he or she may apply to study abroad. Students who have incomplete disciplinary sanctions or who are on disciplinary probation are not eligible to study abroad. Once a student has completed the sanctions outlined by the Dean of Students Office and is not on disciplinary probation, he or she may apply to study abroad. MODELS OF STUDY ABROAD AT ST. EDWARD’S All programs are credit-bearing, international programs which have been vetted by our office in terms of academic quality and student support services.
PRE-DEPARTURE The Office of International Education helps students prepare throughout the semester prior to their departure. In addition to individual advising appointments, three required Pre-Departure Orientations are held:
ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS Study abroad is an academic endeavor designed to enhance a student’s studies at St. Edward’s. Academic preparation will contribute greatly to a successful experience abroad; therefore, students must meet the eligibility requirements. Students who apply to a study abroad program during their first semester at St. Edward’s will be asked to go through a petition process and/or will be required to submit letters of recommendation. Similarly, students wishing to study abroad during their last semester at St. Edward’s must submit a petition and show they understand the possible complications that can occur. Students will register for SABR marker courses in order to facilitate the transfer of credits from the host institution. Students must earn the equivalent of a C or better to transfer credit from study abroad classes. Students participating in Faculty-Led Programs and the Angers, France, Programs will register for a special section of the St. Edward’s course in addition to the SABR marker course(s). The grade achieved on St. Edward’s courses abroad will be calculated into the GPA, and the course(s) cannot be taken pass/fail. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the transcript from the host institution has been sent to and processed by St. Edward’s. DISCIPLINARY ISSUES Students studying abroad will follow the St. Edward’s Student Code of Conduct, the code of conduct or behavioral expectations of the program provider or host university, and the laws of the host country. Behavioral expectations and possible ramifications of discipline infractions are discussed during pre-departure orientation sessions conducted by the Office of International Education. Should discipline issues occur, they will initially be handled in the study abroad location by the faculty member, program provider or host institution. The director of the Office of International Education will be notified of discipline infractions and they will be discussed with the appropriate campus entities. The situation will be evaluated, and a decision will be made regarding on-campus follow-up beyond the response of those on-site at the study abroad location. Should any infraction warrant dismissal from a program, the following immediate consequences will apply: