Upon Arrival
A St. Edward's University van will take students from the airport to campus on the preferred arrival dates. The van will pick up students outside the baggage claim area of Austin Bergstrom International Airport every 2 hours. If you miss the last airport pick-up, you can easily get a taxi from the airport to campus for about $20.
Orientation and the events scheduled prior to the start of classes are designed to give you information about activities offered at St.
Edward’s, the academic system, how to register for classes, different programs
that you can take part in, where to find different offices on campus, and information that is specifically helpful for
international students. You will learn about how to follow the regulations of
your visa type, what to expect from the St. Edward’s academic environment,
services available to you (health services, academic support, advising
services, etc), practical information about getting around and staying safe,
and fun things to do while in Austin. This is also a great time to meet some of
the other new students starting at the university since parts of the
orientation will overlap with the orientation events for new U.S. students.
you will be living on campus, your residence hall will also hold a meeting to
let you know what to expect from on-campus living. They will go over the rules
and expectations and introduce you to the student advisors and professional
staff who are there to help you. The student advisors, known as RAs, can be a
great resource for information about what life as a student in the U.S.A. is
like, where the best places to eat on campus and in the neighborhood are
located, the quickest paths around campus, and fun things to do.
Practical Matters
The day before orientation there will be a special fair on campus where you can take care of practical matters such as setting up a bank account, get a cell phone, catch the bus to a store for bedding and other necessary items, etc. Please plan to arrive in time to attend this fair since you will not have time to take care of these matters during orientation.
If you will be living off campus, it is best to arrive at least a week before orientation so that you have time to find an apartment, set up internet/phone/television services and other matters before orientation. Since orientation is such a busy event, you will want everything in place before orientation starts!